47 Awesome Fashion Content Ideas For Instagram

Do you want to grow a personal or business Instagram page but lack the inspiration to create a fashion content plan?

I used to have the same issue, and instead of focusing on creating the content ideas, I was stressing out about what to post.

Now, I can easily create a weekly Instagram content plan to grow my follower count daily.

In this blog post, I’ll write about all the fashion content ideas for Instagram which I compiled during the past few years.

Table of Contents

What are the best fashion content ideas for Instagram?

Instagram Story Ideas

  1. A day in the life of a X
  2. [Instagram Page Name]’s top tips for X
  3. How to style a X in under 5 minutes
  4. A behind the scenes look at [breakfast, lunch, dinner]
  5. [Instagram Page Name]’s favorite X – it can be food, wardrobe item etc
  6. [Instagram Page Name]’s guide to X – wardrobe essentials, summer clothing
  7. Posing your outfit in slow motion
  8. Your daily outfit in black and white
  9. The making of X – teach viewers how to make their own clothes
  10. A step by step guide to X – replace X with creating a wardrobe with essential items, packing clothing for travel, etc
  11. The story of how X
  12. My favorite X
  13. The best X – food, restaurant, city
  14. The worst X experience – food, restaurant, city
  15. A review of X – latest sneakers or pair of shoes,
  16. A sneak peek of X – Do you receive some clothing item before someone else?
  17. How to style a certain type of clothing
  18. Fashion trends for the season
  19. How to accessorize an outfit
  20. How to put together a capsule wardrobe
  21. How to style a certain type of hair
  22. Fashion tips for a certain body type
  23. Fashion do’s and don’ts
  24. Fashion inspiration from Instagram
  25. How to style a certain type of makeup

Instagram Feed Post Idea

  1. A new outfit post every day
  2. Clothing pictures in different outside locations
  3. Fashion inspiration from around the world – What people wear in different countries
  4. How to style the latest trends – You do not need to buy the latest clothing from brands. Create a collage.
  5. Fashion week highlights – Share with your audience the latest news in fashion
  6. Beauty secrets – showcase your daily beauty routine
  7. Fashion tips and tricks
  8. The best dressed celebrities
  9. Street style trends
  10. Show off your new clothes
  11. Show off the clothes you’re getting rid of

Instagram Reel Ideas

  1. Get creative with your wardrobe and put together some unique and stylish looks that will get people talking.
  2. Let your personal style shine and inspire others to be more fashion-forward.
  3. Give fashion tips and tricks that your followers can use in their everyday lives.
  4. Get creative with your makeup and hair and put together some stunning looks that will turn heads.
  5. Use your modelling skills to show your followers a taste of the high life.
  6. Show off your photography skills and give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at your fashion shoots.
  7. Give a sneak peek of upcoming fashion trends that your followers will love.
  8. Use your design skills to create fashionable clothing, and share your latest creations.
  9. Let your followers see your latest fashion projects and how skilled you are at sewing.
  10. Show off your fashion sense and give your followers some outfit inspiration.
  11. Go on a shopping spree and share your latest fashion finds with your followers.


Now that you have all these fashion content ideas for Instagram create a weekly plan.

Stick to the plan for at least one month and see how your follower count grows.

I suggest that once you start and see that people love your content, go on and create a blog where you can have more control. Remember, your Instagram page is not entirely yours.

If you want to start a fashion blog but do not have ideas about what fashion content to write, we wrote a blog post about it.

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